Nippersink School District 2 has joined forces with the McHenry County Crisis Program to provide support for the families in our community. Should you, or someone in your family be dealing with a crisis situation, contact:
McHenry County Crisis Program (800) 892-8900
Nippersink School District 2 (815) 678-4242
The McHenry County Crisis Program is staffed by trained on-site Crisis Workers who have completed extensive training programs provided by the Crisis Program and Centegra Health System Crisis Line. On-site Crisis workers are masters degreed qualified mental health professionals. Should your crisis be school related, the on-site crisis workers have emergency phone numbers for all the administrators in the district.
Any life event can take on crisis proportions if it is sudden, intense, unexpected, or emotionally charged. A crisis can feel overwhelming, leaving us without the means to cope or to adjust. Somehow, we cannot make sense of what is happening or why it is happening. We are unable to predict when, or if, this awful situation is going to end. Without answers to these important questions, we are left feeling emotional and helpless. We simply do not know what to do to control the situation. Thus, any event can be a crisis if it wipes out our ability to make sense of what is happening. A crisis immobilizes us. The McHenry County Crisis Program can help put pieces together. For additional information contact the Nippersink School District 2 office (815) 678-4242; or the McHenry County Crisis Program (800) 892-8900; or online at