6th Grade Track practice has been cancelled for today. They will leave at normal dismissal time.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
K-Crew is hosting a Dodgeball Tournament on Wednesday, May 17th at 3:00p. Sign up forms are by the Office and with Mrs. Wieters & Mrs. Chase.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
Please use the link provided to view the D2/D157 Spring newsletter. https://5il.co/1txjg
over 1 year ago, Dr. Tom Lind
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12. We're offering two opportunities to show our NMS Teachers how much we appreciate them. If you would like to participate please see the information and links below. Teacher Wish List Would you like to purchase something for Teacher Appreciation Week, but not sure what to get? We asked teachers what they could use that would benefit both them and their students. If you would like to show your support by purchasing school supplies, please sign up by clicking on the following link. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4FAFA92EA0FF2-nmsteacher Pasta Lunch Wednesday May 10 The NMS PTO will be purchasing pasta and we are asking parents to provide other items including salad, dressings, pop, and dessert. If you would like to help with this lunch, please sign up by clicking on the following link. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0A49AAAE2AA2FC1-nmsteacher Thank you! NMS PTO
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
thank you
2023 NMS FPS State Bowl Team did amazing this weekend.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
2023 FPS State
NMS Music Department's 6th Band & Choir will be putting on their Spring Concert tomorrow. The performance will begin at 7:30p in the NMS Gym. Come out and enjoy a lovely concert. They have been working hard all year.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
6th Gr concert
Attention Parents: Our Track Meet with Bernotas has been cancelled for today. All students will be going home after school.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
Attention Parents. The Track Meet is cancelled. There will be practice for 7th & 8th Grade students. 6th Grade students will be going home at dismissal time.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
track meet
NMS PTO Eat Out 2 Help Out is happening Today @ Rosati's from 11a - 8p . You must mention or bring the flyer to Rosati's.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
NMS Music Department will be hosting their Spring Concert tonight. Please joins us in the gym at 7p.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
April 19th Concert
Reminder. PTO Meeting tonight at 7p in the NMS Library.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
meeting tonight
PTO Nominations are now OPEN. Please check your email for a nomination form and descriptions of the PTO positions.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
A special congratulations to Johann Boentjes, Jimmy Neumann, Kayden Richardson, Abby Strom, Levi Weisner, Audrey Nelson, Katie Webb, and Nathan McGlothlin. These students participated in the annual Fox Valley Honor Band Festival last week. The students rehearsed for 5 hours that day and performed that evening with 120 of the best students in the Fox Valley Conference. Amazing Job kids!
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
NMS Honor Band
Honor Band
Reminder! Track photos will be Tuesday, April 18th after school.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
Don't Forget
Spring Dance sponsored by Knight Crew is tomorrow Friday, April 14 from 6p - 8p.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
Spring Dance
NMS PTO's April Fundraiser will be Rosati's in Richmond on April 20th! Order from Rosati's from 11a - 8p, mention the flyer and Rosati's will give back 15% of your order.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
Good morning. NMS power is currently out. We are still having kids come to school in hopes it will turn back on. We will keep you posted on the status of our power and should we need to cancel school.
over 1 year ago, Scott Whipple
Don't worry about dinner tonight! Head out to McDonald's in Richmond to help support the PTO, our students & Staff.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
Registration is OPEN for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Please log onto Skyward to complete registration for your NSD2 students.
over 1 year ago, Anna Neumann
8th Gr Graduation Picture Retake will be tomorrow, 3/22. Cap and Gown pictures will be done as well.
almost 2 years ago, Anna Neumann
Picture Retake